An artist-run platform to make, see and experience contemporary drawing.

HIGH-FIVE / lo-fi

Curated by Alex Karaconji, HIGH-FIVE / lo-fi is a cross-cultural dialogue between
Australian and UK animation artists, presented via an exhibition and screenings at DRAW Space.
Opening night drinks and screening from 7 pm January.
Exhibition open 2-5 January, 11 am - 5pm.

DRAWING ECOLOGIES / The Kedumba Collection

Opening night, 6-8 pm Thursday 9 January. The exhibition runs until 5 pm Sunday 2 February.

DRAW Space are delighted to collaborate with The Kedumba Drawing Collection to present
DRAWING ECOLOGIES – an exhibition that explores drawing as a method of interpreting and relating to the natural world,
traced through The Kedumba Collection’s archive of Australian contemporary drawing.

Read Eval Nolan’s Curatorial Essay on the exhibition page.

The Gully Winter #2, 2015, 58.5 x 62 cm

Hare (in memory of Marcus), 2010, 76 × 57 cm

Cactus 1, 2004, 132 × 52 cm